Hello world!

Welcome and thank you so much for visiting my first blog site ever!  I am so excited to begin this journey – spending time and energy on something that I am truly passionate about and sharing it with the world!  Cooking has literally been my best friend for as long as I can remember! We go way back! And it never gets old.  I learn new things everyday! I love all things FOOD and find such great satisfaction in wholesome cooking.  I may be a little old school for still believing that everything should be made from scratch, but I prefer it that way… Food is such a powerful and amazing thing! Food is love, Food is power, Food is healing, Food is life!  And, with that I encourage you to  follow what’s shaking and baking in Tiff’s Little Oven. Bon Appetit!

2 Comments Add yours

  1. natasha frelix says:

    I love it

  2. Sally says:

    Can’t wait to see what you’re cooking next! This is exciting!

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