Asian Style Shrimp & Kale Salad

Asian Style Shrimp & Kale Salad

(Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Sugar Free, Soy Free, Grain Free)

Shrimp and Kale Salad



10 ounces fresh kale

1 pound raw wild caught shrimp

4 cloves garlic – minced (2 cloves to saute the shrimp,  2 cloves for the salad)

1/3 cup apple cider vinegar

1/3 cup olive oil  (plus 1-2 tablespoons for sauteing the shrimp)

3 teaspoons sesame seeds

2 teaspoons fresh ground black pepper

1/4 cup fresh ginger (minced)

1/2 red onion (chopped)

2 carrots (sliced or grated)

2 green onions (chopped)

6 small red, orange or yellow sweet peppers


For the shrimp:

Add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 cloves garlic (minced) to cast iron pan.  On medium heat, saute the garlic for about 3 minutes.  Add the shrimp and cook for 10 -12 minutes, stirring frequently.  Shrimp should no longer be translucent and slightly firm to touch.  Remove from heat and let cool for about 10 minutes.

For the salad:

In a large bowl, mix remaining ingredients together then add shrimp (either whole or cut into pieces).

This salad is truly delightful and satisfying! Kale is a wonderful super food that really absorbs flavors well.  Plain kale has a bit of a tough texture but softens beautifully when mixed with this combination of olive oil and apple cider vinegar!

I hope you enjoy this easy, healthy, nutritious delightful masterpiece!