Super Easy Delicious & Nutritious Gluten Free Bread

Super Easy Delicious & Nutritious Gluten Free Bread

(Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Grain Free, Sugar Free)


Gluten Free Bread Recipe

What an amazing low carb, high protein, nutritious alternative to traditional bread.  I am not a huge fan of bread in general but this bread recipe certainly hits the spot.  It is quite refreshing to have a bread option that is completely wholesome and not laden with a bunch of chemicals, sugar, or ingredients that have no nutritional value. The base for this recipe is plain or raw almonds and it is absolutely nutritious and delicious! SCORE!

Basic Bread Ingredients:

1.5 cup raw almonds

1/3 cup olive oil

1/3 cup water

3 eggs

2.5 teaspoons baking powder


salt to taste or 1/4 -1/2 teaspoon

1/2 date (for very mild natural sweetness)

1 teaspoon onion powder

1 teaspoon garlic powder


Sprinkle loaf with sesame seeds or a bagel seasoning blend  (I use Trader Joe’s Everything but the Bagel seasoning).


Blend all ingredients (including optional ones if desired) in blender until thick and smooth -similar to the texture of a thick pancake batter.  If batter seems to thick and won’t blend, add either 1/4 cup more olive oil or 1/4 cup more water.  Pour batter into lightly oiled loaf pan (9 x 6). Add topping. Bake in preheated oven for about 40 minutes  (or until top begins to brown and firm to touch) at 350 degrees.  Let cool.  Makes about 10 -12 slices. This bread does not need to be refrigerated.

Please note that bread loaf height for this recipe is half the size of a traditional bread loaf.  Also, this bread always tastes better the day after baking.  For maximum freshness,  consume within 4-5 days of baking.