Dessert Recipe Book

Hello to all my amazing friends, supporters and beautiful souls!

l hope your new year is off to a wonderful start! I know mine is!

For those of us who have new weight loss, fitness, and healthy living goals for 2018, I thought there would be nothing better than to follow my passion for cooking and eating healthy (and exploring new boundaries with it), by CREATING MY FIRST SELF-PUBLISHED RECIPE BOOK and sharing it with my favorite people- You and the world!

I used to say the sky is the limit, but not even that can limit us in achieving our greatest potential!

Please check out my first little healthy dessert recipe book now being sold on Amazon!


Click here to check out the paperback recipe book.

Click here to check out the electronic recipe book.

And, thank you for the overwhelming amount of support you have shown me with this endeavor!!!!!

Love, Tiffany